Help your future customers
outperfom their competition
How do you convince your customers they need to invest in their web experience?
Show - don't tell thanks to trusted data from our website analyzer revealing the hard truth
How it will help you convince your leads
Improved User ExperienceFaster websites lead to happier users and increased engagement
Higher Conversion RatesStudies show that quick pages convert more visitors into customers
Better SEO RankingsSearch engines favor fast websites (core web vitals), improving visibility
How it works
Your lead enters their site
They understand the need to act
You help achieve their goals
Highlight the problems your services solve and increase your conversion rate
LifetimePay once, use forever$50 USD
Widget customization
Integrate with one website
Technical support
Frequently asked questions
How do I know if this is compatible with my website?If you can add a script tag and an html tag to your website, then you can use Website Analyzer. So it works out of the box with Wordpress, Shopify, Carrd, Webflow, Framer, Wix and pretty much any other website builder.
Do I need to code to integrate Website Analyzer?No, you don't need to code to integrate Website Analyzer: you just use the provided script to add the functionality to your website.
What is the source of the data?The data is coming from the Chrome User Experience Report (also known as CrUX). It is collected from real-world Chrome users.
How many requests can I make?We are limited by the CrUX API rate limits which is enough for most use cases.
What can I customize?You can customize pretty much all the look and feel of the widget such as colors and sizes. You can find out more here.